Publisher: Editio Musica Budapest
Composer: Lajos Papp
Besides being a composer, Lajos Papp (1935-2019) was also an experienced piano pedagogist, whose didactic compositions have been used widely both in Hungary and abroad. In the 1960s, he taught piano and music theory at music schools in Budapest. He worked predominantly with László Dobszay and Erna Czövek, who also shared the commitment of developing music tuition in Hungary. Lajos Papp had become interested in pedagogy and put together literature collections for different kinds of instruments, especially for piano. The 27 Small Piano Pieces is one of his own, early (1969) pedagogical works. The booklet introduces musical phenomena to children through simple pieces (Responses, Forte - Piano, Contrary Motion etc.). It also presents technical tasks during piano studies (Staccato - Legato, Crossing etc.) and also gives space for the imagination (Look for Parallels!, A Somewhat Tricky Imitation). As you move through the booklet, the author gradually improves pupils' attention by introducing new elements such as lengthening pieces, increasing dexterity (more and more challenging pieces) without crossing the difficulty level suitable to that of the beginner pianist.
The edition is recommended to 1st and 2nd classes of music schools.