This collection of piano accompaniments has been recorded as a practice tool and for use in AMEB examinations. The accompaniments correspond with AMEB Flute series 3 grade 1 repertoire.
Study (Mac Gillavry) ♫ Crystal ball (Rae) ♫ Tsur mishelo (Traditional arr. Harrison) ♫ Gracious flute (Bullard) ♫ Moderato (Gariboldi) ♫ King Tut's tap-dancing team (Adams and Gout) ♫ Sarabande (Rameau arr. Hodgson) ♫ Minuet (Haydn arr. Walton) ♫ Saltarello (Susato arr. Hodgson) ♫ Pastourelle (Houdy) ♫ Melody (Ridout) ♫ Harvest-time (Barratt) ♫ Vielle chanson (Koechlin) ♫ Andante tranquillo (Bartók arr. Walton) ♫ Fun run (Widger) + Performance Notes
Study (Mac Gillavry) ♫ Crystal ball (Rae) ♫ Tsur mishelo (Traditional arr. Harrison) ♫ Gracious flute (Bullard) ♫ Moderato (Gariboldi) ♫ King Tut's tap-dancing team (Adams and Gout) ♫ Sarabande (Rameau arr. Hodgson) ♫ Minuet (Haydn arr. Walton) ♫ Saltarello (Susato arr. Hodgson) ♫ Pastourelle (Houdy) ♫ Melody (Ridout) ♫ Harvest-time (Barratt) ♫ Vielle chanson (Koechlin) ♫ Andante tranquillo (Bartók arr. Walton) ♫ Fun run (Widger) + Performance Notes