Playing with an accompanist is often beneficial to a musician's development. This official AMEB Recorded Accompaniments CD is a very useful study tool with the added benefit of creating a more satisfying and enjoyable practice session for the musician often struggling to practice and play solo. AMEB candidates may perform with this recording in examinations.
The accompaniments correspond with AMEB Series 1 Percussion Grade 3 repertoire and technical exercises.
Winnie's Song (Dixon) ♫ Hello John Brown (Rankine) ♫ Petite Marche (Dupin & Jorand) ♫ Norwegian Dance (Grieg arr. Curnow) ♫ Traditional Chinese Drum Song (Traditional arr. Montgomery) ♫ Walkin' the walk (Lawrence) ♫ March (Bach arr. Howell) ♫ My Little Suede Shoes (Parker arr. Montgomery) ♫ Exchanges (Curnow) ♫ Paradiddle Paradigm (Askill) ♫ Camel Racing in Casablanca (Pye) ♫ Grade 3 Untuned Study ♫ Grade 3 Timpani/Soft Stick Study ♫ Grade 3 Tuned Study
The accompaniments correspond with AMEB Series 1 Percussion Grade 3 repertoire and technical exercises.
Winnie's Song (Dixon) ♫ Hello John Brown (Rankine) ♫ Petite Marche (Dupin & Jorand) ♫ Norwegian Dance (Grieg arr. Curnow) ♫ Traditional Chinese Drum Song (Traditional arr. Montgomery) ♫ Walkin' the walk (Lawrence) ♫ March (Bach arr. Howell) ♫ My Little Suede Shoes (Parker arr. Montgomery) ♫ Exchanges (Curnow) ♫ Paradiddle Paradigm (Askill) ♫ Camel Racing in Casablanca (Pye) ♫ Grade 3 Untuned Study ♫ Grade 3 Timpani/Soft Stick Study ♫ Grade 3 Tuned Study