A brass instrument mouthpiece is much more than an add-on or accessory. It is a vital part of your instrument. As interface between artist and instrument, it can mean the difference between mediocrity and mastery.
The Signature and Custom range of mouthpieces Yamaha have worked along some of the top artists in the world on their instrument, and gained as much of their preferences.
Produced using the most advanced computer design and manufacturing technology, Yamaha Standard Series mouthpieces feature unmatched precision, smooth attack, secure control, and easy playability. They have the ideal weight for all-around usage and are available in over 100 configurations. There’s a Yamaha mouthpiece to suit every player.
(If you're looking for a student trumpet mouthpiece, the TR-11B4 is the most standard and widely used option. The most popular 'step-up' or advanced mouthpiece is the TR-14B4.)
Model Description:
Bobby Shew - Lead
Rim: 16.54㎜ - Throat: 3.56㎜ - The Lead model gives that extra sizzle and high note clarity for playing lead parts.
Bobby Shew - Jazz
Rim: 16.85㎜ - Throat: 3.65㎜ - The Jazz model has a fairly deep roomy cup for a warm, big sound, and a throat and backbore designed to give enough "jump and snap" for maneuvering through quick jazz passages with a rich full sound.
Rim Inner Diameter: 16.67㎜ - Throat: 3.56㎜ - The shallow cup with smooth inner rim edge gives a clear focused sound and plays evenly in all registers.
Vizzutti Gold Plate
Gold Plate Rim: 16.67㎜ - Throat: 3.56㎜ - The shallow cup with smooth inner rim edge gives a clear focused sound and plays evenly in all registers.
Custom 11B4 GP
Rim: 16.46mm - Throat: 3.65mm - A somewhat shallow cup and medium rim for extra endurance. Brilliant tone. Suitable for D, Eb, and piccolo trumpets.
Custom 14A4A GP
Rim: 16.68mm - Throat: 3.65mm - Fast-response high range and powerful sound. Ideal for piccolo or lead trumpet.
Custom 14B4 GP
Rim: 16.85mm - Throat: 3.65mm - Relatively large rim diameter and shallow cup. Outstanding overall balance for all musical genres.
Custom 14C4 GP
Rim: 16.88mm - Throat: 3.65mm - Rim designed for outstanding facility and flexibility. Popular in ensembles and orchestras. Can produce high volume.
Custom 16C4 GP
Rim: 17.00mm - Throat: 3.65mm - Large rim and medium cup for easy playability over a wide range. High volume. Excellent for symphony orchestra players.
Custom 17C4 GP
Rim: 17.30mm - Throat: 3.65mm - Deeper cup than the 17B4. Powerful, dark sound. A popular choice with symphony orchestra players.