Obligato Strings for Viola
Pirastro - Handmade in Germany
As a result of the quality of both their strings and rosin, Pirastro has become a byword for a sound which is both beautiful and reliable. As a result, a great number of classical string musicians recommend Pirastro strings; their tonal flexibility and expressive power allow each musician to create their own unique sound and to show their own instruments to their very best advantage. The tonal flexibility and the expressive power of each single Pirastro string create an unsurpassed choice for the musician across the Pirastro range. Musicians can choose from the complete range of gut strings (e.g. Passione and Oliv), from synthetic strings (such as Evah Pirazzi or Tonica) or steel strings (e.g. Flexocor and Chromcor). Finally, Pirastro rosins are designed specifically for Pirastro strings and this combination is responsible, in no small part, for the excellent world-renowned Pirastro sound.Obligato Viola Strings
- Obligato strings have a core made from a modern synthetic multifilament fibre.
- Obligato strings sound warm and full, yet have a brilliant, rich overtone spectrum and focused tone.
- excellent playability and response throughout the entire dynamic range
- great tone volume
- excellent tuning stability
- absolutely insensitive to variations in temperature and humidity