Professional quality for home recording studios.
Whether you’re recording your first album or your hit podcast’s latest episode, the Studio 24c will help you sound your best. With two of PreSonus’ pristine XMAX-L mic preamps for recording vocals; plus high headroom instrument preamps so you can connect your guitar or bass right to your interface; and professional input metering so you can keep track of your recording levels, the Studio 24c delivers amazing sound quality in a rugged, compact form factor. A complete home recording studio right out of the box, the Studio 24c audio interface comes with a complimentary license of PreSonus’ award-winning Studio One® Artist music production software, so you can get recording right away.
World-class recording software included.
Seamlessly integrated with the included PreSonus Studio One Artist music production software, the Studio 24c interface works with virtually all macOS and Windows recording software. Easy to learn, Studio One enables you to compose, record, and produce without getting distracted by the tools or hemmed in with track limitations. Need a new loop or sample for your latest production? Studio One lets you shop, audition, and purchase new content and upgrades without even opening your browser—you’ll build the version of Studio One that’s right for you. By combining a flexible single-window user interface with modern, beat-based production workflow, Studio One’s drag-and-drop approach doesn’t dictate how you work or what you work on.
Full specs here.