With its bright, clean sound and contoured frequency response, the SM57 is ideal for live sound reinforcement and recording. It has an extremely effective cardioid pickup pattern which isolates the main sound source while minimizing background noise. In the studio, it is excellent for recording drums, guitar, and woodwinds.
More than able to reproduce tone, the SM57 is also uniquely designed to deal with high-pressure sound that explodes from instruments and amplifiers. So you can turn it up without distortion drowning out the show. Your music deserves all the loud it can get.
Made for the stage
The contoured frequency response makes it simple to engineer clean audio for a live sound mix.
Handles the pressure
Hard knocks are just part of the show sometimes, and the SM57 is built to take them on. A hit from a high kick or a flying drumstick can’t shut it down.
Only the loud you want
With a uniform cardioid pattern and a pneumatic shock mount system, you get a whole lot of tone without the handling or background noise.
- 1 - A25D Swivel Stand Adapter
- 1 - 95A2313 Storage Bag